We are a company with more than 30 years of tradition and experiences in the field of truck upgrades. The main activity is the sale and service of loader cranes, tippers and forklifts. We also manufacture various types of superstructures such as exchange systems, tow trucks, caissons, trailers, superstructures for the transport of chickens, tail lifts, aerial baskets, etc. With a quick response and many years of service experience, we ensure that your machine reaches its maximum potential.
The company ARKO d.o.o. was founded in 1990 in Ljutomer. Already at the time of our establishment, we decided that quality service and the satisfaction of our customers will always be the main guide of our business.
Our business is sales, production, engineering and service. We officially represent world-famous manufacturers:
– HIAB, which is a manufacturer of equipment for transporting goods. These are HIAB loader cranes, LOGLIFT and JONSERED forestry and recycling cranes, MULTILIFT hooklifts and skiploaders, MOFFETT mounted forklifts and ZEPRO tail lifts.
– F.X. MEILLER KIPPER, which is a manufacturer of three-way tippers, hooklifts and skiploaders, hydraulics, tandem trailers and semi-trailers.
– COMBILIFT, which produces forklifts for special purposes.
Our offer is complemented by crawler cranes (BgLift), aerial platforms (Socage), winches (Rotzler, Sepson, Warn) and equipment for lifting devices from various manufacturers (Kinshofer, Intermercato, Indexator, Exte, Sunfab, …)
Our journey

Setting up a home-based business in Noršinci and taking the first steps in business.


Moving to new premises
Moving to new, rented business premises in Ljutomer and strengthening the service department and starting production activities…

Purchase of new premises
…and moving to the premises at the current location. Arrangement of new repair shops, warehouses, offices…
New investments in premises and equipment
Purchase of new halls and investment in new machines and thus the production of more demanding, unique products.
New business unit in Trzin
We have recognized the need to be more available to customers from central and western Slovenia. That is why we opened a branch in Trzin, where we offer spare parts, service and repairs.
25th Anniversary
which we celebrated in Slovenia and were delighted by over 400 business partners and friends who came to celebrate with us.
Expansion and purchasing new equipment in Ljutomer
We bought the premises of a neighboring company and arranged a larger warehouse, a new workshop and a paint shop there.
Further expansion in central Slovenia
Purchase of a land in Ivančna Gorica and start of construction of a new service center.

New service center location
On January 1st we moved into our new service center located in Ivančna Gorica.
Gradnja nove manjše proizvodne naprave za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije MSE ARKO LJUTOMER
Kot cilj smo si zastavili projekt investicije izgradnje sončne elektrarne, ter s tem prispevati k povečanju rabe obnovljivih virov energije. S tem namenom smo se prijavili na Javni razpis za sofinanciranje o peracij gradnje novih manjših proizvodnih naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije (JR SE OVE 2021), ki ga je objavilo Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo, s projektom MSE ARKO LJUTOMER. Gre za postavitev sončne elektrarne moči 0,1123 MW, na strehi obstoječega objekta podjetja, na naslovu Prešernova ulica 25, 9240 Ljutomer.
Glavni cilji in razlogi operacije so:
- lastna proizvodnja električne energije,
- dolgoročno znižanje stroškov, z oddajo viškov v omrežje dodatni prihodki in povečanje konkurenčnosti podjetja,
- povečanje deleža OVE v energetski potrošnji podjetja,
- zmanjšanje emisij CO₂.
V okviru razpisa smo pridobili sofinanciranje zunanjih izvajalcev za nakup in vgradnjo naprave za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije, v višini 20 % upravičenih stroškov. Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Kohezijskega sklada (www.eu-skladi.si).